(This ritual will require eight participants, one each for the Elements, the Lord and Lady, and the Spirit Parents of the child being presented.)

"It is one of the nicer pleasures of being Pagan clergy that I can welcome into our fellowship a new member. A gift of the Goddess, that being a young soul to be nurtured and guided on this wheel of incarnation. With the Gods' aid, let us welcome him."

(Parents bring baby before Priest and Priestess. The persons standing in the Watchtowers go to their respective positions and face inwards.)

Priestess: "Until he shall choose another name for him/herself, what shall this child be called?"

Parents: "We have named him/her, _________"

Priest: "Welcome to you _________"

Priestess: "Welcome to you ________, and to you also is given the love of all within this circle and of the Gods."

(To Parents) "What do you ask of us this night?"

Parents: "We ask that ______ be presented to the Circle, the Watchtowers and the Gods, that all may know him/her and hold him/her in love and protection as he/she walks his/her path in this life."

Priestess: "So shall it be done."

(Priest and Priestess take baby and walk deosil to each of the Watchtowers in turn, beginning in the East. At each station, the person representing the Watchtower will take the baby, face outward, and repeat whichever of the following is appropriate for that Quarter. Thereafter, he or she shall face inward and return the child to the Priest and Priestess, whereupon he or she shall lay a hand upon the child's head and bestow upon him/her whatever gifts appropriate to that particular Element he or she thinks best. When this is completed, the Priest and Priestess shall pass to the next station.)

East: "Hear us, O Aquila, Mighty Eagle, Guardian of the Element of Air. Let this son/daughter of the spirit ________, be known to you, that you may watch over him/her in love and protection from the East."

South: "Hear us, O Leonis, Mighty Lion, Guardian of the Element of Fire. Let this son/daughter of the spirit, ________, be known to you, that you may watch over him/her in love and protection from the South"

West: "Hear us, O Ormsilvern, Mighty Dragon, Guardian of the Element of Water. Let this son/daughter of the spirit, ________, be known to you, that you may watch over him/her in love and protection from the West."

North: "Hear us, O Taurus, Mighty Bull, Guardian of the Element of Earth. Let this son/daughter of the spirit, ________, be known to you, that you may watch over him/her in love and protection from the North."

(After the child has been presented to all four Quarters, the Priest and Priestess return with him/her to the center of the Circle and face each other. The Priest will hold the baby so that the Priestess may anoint and bless him/her in the name of the Lady. The Priestess then takes the baby and holds him/her so that the Priest may bless and anoint him/her in the name of the Lord. The Priest and Priestess then turn to the parents, saying...)

Priest: "Clasp you hands together now between my hands, and let all who are present in this Circle, seen and unseen, stand as witness to the vows you wish to take."

(Parents clasp all four hands and the Priest places his hands around theirs)

Priestess: "Before all those present in this place, both seen and unseen, do you vow that you will raise this child in love, no matter what obstacles you may encounter along the way?"

Parents: "I do."

Priest: "Do you vow to guard this child with love and to teach him/her when to defend him/herself and when to walk away?"

Parents: "I do"

Priestess: "Do you vow to teach this child all that you know as he/she is ready for that knowledge?"

Parents: "I do."

Priest: "Do you vow to help him/her find other teachers as they are needed for him/her to grow?"

Parents: "I do."

Priestess: "Remember well the vows that you have given here this night, for the Gods are not pleased to have such oaths sworn before them, and then taken lightly or ignored.

Priest: "Remeber also that this child, who is living proof of your love for one another, is still his./her own person. Do not seek to bind him/her to your expectations of his/her path, but rather teach him/her as he/she grows to use fully all of the gifts that the Gods have given him/her, and to give honor to all that They have brought into being. Thus will he/she find his/her proper path.

Priestess: "To rear a child responsibly is a stern and difficult task, and one that often requires the aid of others. Have you chosen Godparents to aid you in the nurturing of this child?"

Parents: "We have. We Bring before this Circle these two to be as parents to _______, and he/she as a son/daughter to them.

(Parents bring forth the Godparents to make vows)

Priestess: "To be a Godparent is at the same time both easier and more difficult than to actually be the parent of that same child, for none of the ties of blood and kinship are binding upon you: the obligation of the Godparent is assumed entirely by choice. Are you now prepared to make your vows before the company here assembled to act as Godparents for this child?"

Godparents: "I am."

Priest: "Then as you have seen the parents of this child do before you, interlace your hands and place them between mine own, that all who are present within this Circle, both seen and unseen, may stand as witness to your vows."

(The Godparents comply)

Priest: "Will you help to raise this child in love and to guard him/her on his/her path?"

Godparents: "I will."

Priestess: "Will you teach him/her as he/she is ready and help him/her find the knowledge he/she needs?"

Godparents: "I will."

Priest: "Will you vow that if he/she has need he/she may come to you and you will give him/her aid freely?"

Godparents: "I will."

Priestess: "Remember well the vows that you have given here this night, for the Gods are not pleased to have such oaths sworn before them, and then taken lightly or ignored.

Priest: "Remember also that this child is still his/her own person. Do not seek to bind him/her to your expectations of his/her path, but rather teach him/her as he/she grows to use fully all of the gifts that the Gods have given him/her, and to give honor to all that They have brought into being. Thus will he/she find his/her proper path."

(The Priest releases the hands of the Godparents. Holding the baby between them, the Priest and Priestess say)

Priestess: "Know ______, that you are surrounded in the love of the Great Mother and of this Circle, that you may call in need and receive an answer."

Priest: "Know _______, that you are surrounded in the love of the Great Lord and of this circle, that you may call in need and receive an answer."

(Priest holds baby for all to see and says...)

Priest: "Let all here within this Circle, both seen and unseen, bear witness that ______, the son/daughter of _______ and ______, is known to the Gods, to the Watchtowers, and to the members of Tangled Moon. Know that he/she is loved by us and that for this turn of the Wheel he/she lies under our protection. So mote it be!"

All: "So mote it be!"

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Last Updated January 10, 1999